Monday, April 7, 2014


Today I checked my March of Dimes team page, In Memory of Ellison, and found out that with a little under a month to go until the walk I had raised $670.  I surpassed my $200 goal thanks to the generous donations of many friends and family members.  This makes me very happy.  I feel very strongly about the March of Dimes cause, as well as many of the other support group/research causes dedicated to preventing infant deaths and providing resources for those who unfortunately had to experience a loss of a baby.  It hits so close to home.  I know how much I love Ellison and how much she means to me, and how painful her loss has been, so I can relate to others on a level that cannot be understood by many.  And though I know it is impossible to completely prevent all terrible things from happening, perhaps just preventing one so that I could spare someone else from the cross I have to bear is a battle I'm willing to join.

I know I have been greatly comforted throughout this journey by many strangers who have donated their time and gifts and resources to help me, and it seems only fitting that I try to help give back to others.  It may not be much, but if I can contribute something towards the fight to prevent this from happening to another family, I will do it.  No one should have to experience the loss of their baby.  And while I could not save Ellison, perhaps I can help the cause to save someone else's daughter (or son) or God forbid, help them through this awful loss with the money raised.  So to all who have helped me reach my goal, or who have prayed for me and Doug and Ellison, or who are joining with us to walk in her memory and the memories of all the babies who have been lost too soon, thank you for helping me to fight on.

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