Friday, April 4, 2014

Pictures of Ellie

When I look at my pictures of Ellie, I feel torn between emotions.  They are beautiful to me, but they are also sad.  I find it difficult to process - how can death be beautiful?  It seems preposterous to think that those two concepts can be intertwined in such a weird way.  Pictures of her represent both death and life.  I imagine what her life would have been like when I stare at those various photographs.  But then, I see the face of death - discolorations of skin, pale and cool.  I almost always cry when I look through them.  In one of the photos, her little pouty face says it all.  It's just so very sad.  A beautiful disaster - she was very beautiful, but I guess too beautiful to stay here with me. 

As I look at all the photos that my friends share of their newborns, I feel numb.  I wish I had photos that I could share of her but they are not fit to be shared.  No one wants to have to look at death through a photograph.  I certainly never thought I would be.  All I can say is that she was the sweetest and most amazing creature - more beautiful than I could have imagined, and it's just a shame that the pictures do not do her enough justice. 

I wish I could see photo albums from Heaven - photos that reflect her smile or happiness in general.  There are many things that I wish I could change but unfortunately it is beyond my control.  I'll just have to relish the few photos that I do have of my beautiful angel and remember her as I knew her - as my pretty daughter.  In my eyes, she will always be the prettiest baby I have ever seen.

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