Monday, March 24, 2014


My only real accomplishment for the day, besides completing some little projects at work, was going to the running store and buying a new pair of shoes.  It has been well over a year since I've gotten new shoes, and my knee reminded me of this the other day on my walk.  Getting a new pair of shoes was the most excitement I had all day.  That's sort of sad but I'm still pretty wiped out because yesterday was a fairly rough day emotionally.  Luckily part of the day yesterday was spent with those that I love to help ease my sadness.

I had spent the afternoon/evening over at my parents' house along with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece.  We had a movie watching party - apparently I was one of the handful of people (along with the rest of my family minus Natalie) who had not seen the movie Frozen.  I've heard that song about a million times (you know the one by the wickedly talented "Adele Dazeem") but had no idea about the rest of the movie.  It was a good movie - I like the emphasis on strong female lead characters that Disney is starting to highlight (it's about  time).  At several points in the movie, I watched Natalie get really excited.  I liked seeing the big smile on her face as she seem captivated by the story.  I'm sure Ellison would have loved her smile too.  And I'm sure Ellison would have loved to have seen the movie when she turned four.

As I sat watching Natalie enjoy the movie, and even laughing myself along the line, I was reminded about how much love I do have around me.  I'm surrounded by love and that is such a wonderful feeling.  The love in my life is what makes life fun and interesting, even the immense love of a love lost.  It reminded me of a quote I had in my little quotes book.  Zelda Fitzgerald said "I don't want to live - I want to love first, and live incidentally."  I like that motto.

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